Sunday 21 December 2008

The Lady's Not For Burning.

This recent speculation about whether or not Thatcher will receive a state funeral is not limited to the dull, arse-rag that is The Daily Mail. No. Everyone's obsessed with the fat, old fucker's death, which can only be applauded.

As a British Subject and devoted servant to Her Majesty, I would just like to wholeheartedly support the proposition for giving this lying, thieving, murdering, scheming, GINGER tyrant a televised funeral funded by "The State".

Particularly when the state in question has a history so richly steeped in Imperialism, slavery, misery, division and death. I can think of no greater British figure-head who best encapsulates this spirit.

As someone who once paid taxes, I FOR ONE, have never looked forward to a televised broadcast with more gusto and exhuberance.

If parenting is the barometer of a successful human being, how glorious it will be to see the unconvincing transvestite antics of the stuttering, speech impeded Carol Thatcher sobbing into her thrice hourly G&T as the hearse - guided by the weighted horses - canter past Buckingham Palace, and Prince Phillip is forced to wear his solemn face, despite his aged prostate rendering him desperate for a slash and the voices in his head taunting him with the threat of Johnny Foreigner who wants to make him eat garlic.

Post Script: Might I also add, that whilst there is such misery, pain and human suffering being reported in the news at the moment, how nice it is that The Mail have chosen to cheer us all up for the summer with a news report that for once gives us something to look forward to.

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