Sunday 21 December 2008

Girl On Girl Action.

Dear Mrs xxxxxxxxx,

You must be very proud of your daughter, xxxxxx. Not every parent can boast about the literary success of their children. All those years you invested in her education and the sacrifices you made and now she lives in London and is making quite the name for herself as features editor of Grazia/ Heat/ Now/ Ok magazine.

More women read the words written by your child than watch Question Time, or read Tolstoy. So in this sense your child is pivotal in terms of cultural construction.

As a woman you probably understand the implications of this situation. Most young women are learning about themselves as a direct result of your childs' creativity and insight.

How beautiful then, that essentially what your child is peddling, is the idea that women should hate themselves. That all they are is aesthetics and that this physicality is always flawed.

Failed relationships, stretchmarks, cellulite, weight and age are the primary themes that your daughter deals with, and each day women (the length and breadth of the land) queue up in Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys to buy into this projected self-loathing.

I'd like to personally congratulate you on the inherited principles you have transposed onto your offspring. Your childs limitless understanding of when a celebrity is failing to meet the narrow weight and age parameters she has helped to construct, and the almost imperceptable ability to recognise the subtle nuances that render a woman ''rough'' are nothing short of genius.

Let's hope your daughter likes herself for long enough to give birth to children (after all; who knows better than her, how difficult it is to shift that unsightly post-pregnancy baby fat?). And when she gives birth, let's hope it's a precious girl who, instead of being born into a world that will build on the foundations of the great acheivements of the womens movement, will instead learn to loathe her body, which she will learn to accept is all that she has to offer the world.

Yes. You must be very proud.

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